Interpolation Part 2: Polynomial interpolation
Interpolation Part 2: Polynomial interpolation#
As you probably know, with more data points we can fit increasingly high order polynomials. For instance with three points we can fit a quadratic, four a cubic and so on. By doing so we can improve the accuracy of our approximation, obtain faster rates of convergence, and better behaviour of derivatives.
This fitting is the generalisation of the linear case above, in order to obtain the coefficients for our polynomials we are required to do a bit more work. For an \(n\) degree polynomial we have
with unknown coefficients \(a_j.\) For each data point \(x_k\) we can write an equation
we will have \(n+1\) such equations. This yields a linear system:
This matrix is known as the Vandermode matrix and since the \(x_k\) are distinct it will be non-singular and the linear system can be solved to obtain the coefficients. In the \(2\times 2\) linear case the simultaneous equations are easily solved by hand, for large \(n\) we are best handling the solution computationally.
Numerically solving a system of linear equations like this is a common problem in computational mathematics and is a cornerstone of numerical analysis (there will be more on this at 4000 level, module code TBC). For now we will use a built in solver, see below.
This procedure provides the Lagrange interpolant which you may have come across before, see below for another formula for obtaining it.
Numpy has a built in function np.vander
to construct the Vandermode matrix for us, this makes polynomial interpolation very straightforward. Returning to our first example, we can fit the degree 10 polynomial through 11 data points quite easily.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14}) # Increase the font size to 14pt
# The usual data set up
M = 11
x0 = np.linspace(0,10,M)
y0 = np.sin(x0)
N = 101
x = np.linspace(0,10.0,N)
A = np.vander(x0) # construct the Vandermode matrix
a = np.linalg.solve(A,y0) # obtain the coefficients by solving the system
y = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(M): # reconstruct the new data using the coefficients
y += a[i]*x**(M-1-i)
plt.plot(x,np.sin(x),label='exact function')
plt.plot(x,y,'.',label='poly interpolated data')
An improvement#
Above we wrote a loop to make it clear how the polynomial is reconstructed, but again we can improve the efficiency by using array broadcasting. In this case we obtain an \(N\times M\) array of all combinations of evaluation points and powers, multiply each row by the required coefficient and then sum each column.
pows = (M-1-np.arange(M)).reshape(M,1) # these are the exponents required
xnew = np.reshape(x,(1,N)) # reshape for the broadcast
ynew = np.sum((xnew**pows)*a.reshape(M,1),axis=0) # multiply by coefficients and sum along the right direction
print(np.max(np.abs(ynew-y))) # check we get the same answer
The Lagrange polynomial interpolant is often alternatively expressed as
which incurs the same computational cost but arguably requires a more involved code than the nice modular format provided by the Vandermode method.
As for the linear case, error analysis can be performed for any degree of polynomial fit, what is found is that the maximum error can be expressed as
where \(f^{(n)}\) is the \(n^{th}\) derivative of \(f.\) For equally spaced points we have an error bound which states
where \(h\) is the usual stepsize. In the linear case we found errors decreasing like \(h^2,\) which is generalised here to show that convergence is like \(h^{n+1}.\) In other words we can expect increasing improvements on reducing \(h\) as the order of the polynomial increases.
As is often the case, thre are exceptions to this rule. These results assume that the size of the derivatives is small. In particular, for the regularly spaced bound we have assumed \(f^{(n+1)}h^{n+1}\ll 1,\) which needen’t always be the case.
Runge’s phenomenon#
Let us examine the case of interpolating Runge’s function
on the interval \(x\in[-1,1]\)
# The usual data set up
def f(x):
return 1./(1+25*x**2)
N = 101
x = np.linspace(-1,1,N)
for M in range(2,9,2): # loop over several "degrees" or "knots"
x0 = np.linspace(-1,1,M)
y0 = f(x0)
A = np.vander(x0) # construct the Vandermode matrix
a = np.linalg.solve(A,y0) # obtain the coefficients by solving the system
pows = (M-1-np.arange(M)).reshape(M,1) # these are the exponents required
xnew = np.reshape(x,(1,N)) # reshape for the broadcast
y = np.sum((xnew**pows)*a.reshape(M,1),axis=0) # multiply by coefficients and sum along the right direction
lbl = '$n = $'+str(M)
Notice that, while the error in the middle of the domain is decreasing on increasing \(n,\) the error at the edges is increasing, and in fact the maximum error starts growing as \(n\) increases.
As we pointed out above, the error depends on the size of the derivatives of \(f(x),\) it turns out that this functions has derivatives which grow as \(n\) increases on this interval. We can check this easily in Python.
Let’s use sympy
to make our life a bit easier
import sympy as sp
from sympy.plotting import plot
x, y = sp.symbols('x y')
y = 1/(1+25*x**2) # define the function
f1 = sp.diff(y,x) # first derivative
f2 = sp.diff(f1,x) # second derivative
f3 = sp.diff(f2,x) # third
f4 = sp.diff(f3,x) # fourth
plot(f1,f2,f3,f4,(x,-1,1)) # plot them on our interval
Notice the size of the derivative is largest at the centre of the domain, however the errors grow at the edges. This is simply because the interpolant is somehow least constrained by the data there; the error is occuring due to the interpolant’s diffculty in capturing these large derivatives.
This is where the piecewise description we discussed in the previous notebook can return to help out. Rather than attempt to fit an \(n-1\) degree polynomial to our \(n\) data points, we choose a smaller degree polynomial and fit it through subsets or subintervals of the \(n\) data points.